Become a Vendor

In most circumstances Duluth Farmers Market vendors meet the following qualifications:

  1. Farm, grow or wild harvest your product or the ingredients for your products.
  2. Live and grow in St. Louis, Lake or Carlton counties.
  3. Commit to selling on both market days (Wednesday and Saturday) throughout the growing season.

If you meet the above qualifications, please fill out our application.

Rebecca Gramdorf, membership committee/DFM Chair

Why do you have membership qualifications?

Above all else, the Duluth Farmers Market is committed to supporting local farmers.  We limit the geography of our membership to ensure we are supporting and strengthening our local agricultural community.  Our limits also ensure that our customers are getting a truly local product.  We strive to  sell a variety of agricultural products and primarily function as a market for such.

Do you ever make exceptions to your vendor qualifications?

Our Earth Day Celebration and Festival of Seasons are open to a wider range of vendors.  In rare circumstances we make exceptions for farmers market vendors whose products add diversity to the market and who meet at least two of our qualifications.  If you fall into this category, and would like us to consider you should space become available, please fill out this form.  Important Note: this form is NOT an application.  We use responses to fill empty booths should they exist after we fill our membership for the season.  If you are interested in selling at the market, but don’t meet our regular requirements proceed with filling it out.  We will contact you should there be room and think you  a good fit; openings like this are rare and we are highly selective in how we fill them.

If you are a grower and meet the qualifications at the top of the page, please contact our membership committee for an application.